Vice Rector for the Lecco campus
Manuela Grecchi
- telephone: +39.0341.48.8743
- mail: prorettore-lecco@polimi.it
Campus Manager
Manuela Ghielmetti
- telephone: +39.0341.48.8707
- mail: manuela.ghielmetti@polimi.it
The Campus Manager is the contact person for the administrative management of the Cluster, consistent with the guidelines and objectives assigned annually, as far as they are concerned, by the Vice Rector and the General Director.
Reference Council
The Reference Council is the policy, planning and management body of the Cluster. Its tasks include student orientation, promotion, logistics and management of active Courses of Study; collaboration with Departments to facilitate and enhance research activities; and promotion and development of technology transfer activities, also in collaboration with subjects and productive forces in the area.